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    [size=4][color=#000080]im about 3 months pregnant and everyone in my family knows and everything is great… EXCEPT for the fact that my boyfriend( and soon to be fiance) lives 3 hours away.

    i am very close to his family and they want me to live with them so that me and my boy friend can be a family before the baby comes.

    im a senior in highschool, and i could finish out my school year next semester at the local HS in his area

    but once i move or get married my health insurance dissapears for me and the baby

    my hospital fees will go from
    $207/month for 7 months to $15,000 total

    i think that whats best for the baby is to be near him, so he can bond with the baby, and well, so we can get our lives together and start a family

    -my question is-
    how do i break this news to my strict over bearing father, who still treats me as id im 7?[/color][/size]

    gina lynn

    can you really afford those medical bills with out insurance? i know i wouldnt be able to. yes it would be good for the baby to be near his father, but i think that it would be much better for you and easier if you were closer to your family and had their support through this whole thing. i think it would be better if you just stayed where your at. you shouldnt have to move just because your boyfriend did, he should be the one to move closer to you, because this is a time when YOU need all the support you can get. and your family would want you to be close to them so that they can support you and be helpful and be there for you. thats just my opinion. good luck with your decision.

    Post edited by: SweetTea, at: 2006/11/15 01:45


    don’t get married b4 the baby is born…….stay on your parents insurance until you can afford to do it……i’m in the same boat as you…i’m 17, senior in HS and i’m 12 wks preg….the fortunate thing for me is i am going to be graduating early, and my finace has a very high paying job with wonderful insurance so we can get married before out baby is born…..besides you can stay in school and finish this year out……i have a friend who had her baby this past may and she finished out the school year from home…….she had her baby took care of him and finished her junior year and is still on track to graduate……………please don’t make ne decisions you will regret…
    i wish you all the best…

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