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    :dry: i dont know wat to do ive been haveing fights w/ my friends cuz my best friend got an abortion. and there takeing all there anger out on me. wat should i do? my boyfriend and i are fighting too. he wants to have a kid but im not readdy. im only 16 yrs.old and hes 17yrs.


    my name is jamie and am17 too i dont think you should have a baby at this age is alot of responsabilities,your boyfriend doesnot understand,you should leave him,if your not pregnant,dont get pregnant unless you really want too,and when you are sure who you are having it with!!!!is alot of work!!!!!!!!:P 😛 :kiss: ok take care.


    Hey my name is camila. Don’t rush it you guys should talk about it and tell each other how you feel. I understand how you feel i am 17 years old and i wanna have a baby you could say that im ready for it but then again im not i always have second thoughts my boyfriend is 19 and he doesn’t reall want a baby right now he just says if it happens it happen. But don’t let him persuade you into doing something you don’t wanna do just pray and God will help you. take care and if you need more advices you can write mne back


    You are smart to know and say you are not ready becasue it is true. you are youn and need your education and independance , a job, a place of your own(when you are the right age) and your boyfriend must not understand really what he means or wants. i am 29 and having my first baby and even at my age it is a huge deal. it is not easy but when you are ready and of age to realistically have a baby you will. there is no need to rush-you have your whole life ahead of you. i am happy to see you kow this and are strong and not letting someone else talk you into something. you really have a good head on your shoulders! spread the word to help others girls facing the same issues. it happens alot and all these kids with split families these days-it is really sad.to be married , of age, and ready for a baby is one thing, this way it is planned and both want the baby-but for your boyfriend to fight with you about this is ridiculous. you both arent ready, he isnt even if he thinks he is.if he loves you he will know you are right and wait until the time is right.
    God bless you! your friends are going through hurt and all you can do is pray for them and your friend.

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