i think this is so crazy i had a miscarriage on the 14 of february i was 7 weeks prenant and when i went in to the doctor they told me things werent matching up with my dates i had given them for my last period. i had a gp hormone level of 600 and i had a spot in an my uterus that looked to be about 2 weeks old. well i was in the emergency room when that all was going on. i went home and i know that i had a miscarriage i had alot of excessive bleeding and so much more. well i have been having dreams lately about my stomach moving around and me being pregnant so yesterday i went and bought a pregnany test and it says positive. im going to the doctor today cause im curious as to what is going on. my question is…. Is is possible to be 7 weeks pregnant and then somehow end up getting pregnant again and losing the first one and having my body still be able to keep the 2nd baby?? i know this sounds rediculous and it probably is im just really confused. thanks for your time. i appreciate it.
firstly I’m sorry to hear of your miscarriage.
Did you have an ultrasound at all either before or after your m/c? Its possible to be carrying twins and lose one without losing the other.
Its also possible that your levels of pregnancy hormone havent dropped that much since the m/c hence the positive HPT
either way Id see your doctor visit the hospital again to be on the safe side
take care x
I had a miscarriage with my frist. I now have a very healthy 5week old baby.
How long ago was your miscarriage? If it was less than 2 months ago the positive test could be from that pregnancy. Sometimes the hormones will stay in your bosy for a while.
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