Let me start off by saying I’ve never been more nervous/anxious in my life. I’m only 17. I lost my virginity about 2 months ago to my boyfriend of almost 2 yrs. The last time we had sex was on July 25th (today is August 13th). We used a condom when he came, but it got stuck inside. Not all of it though. Anyways, I wasn’t worried at all. Until I got my “period” on August 10th, that’s 5 days earlier than usual, and exactly 15 days after we were together. It’s never that early and if it is early it only comes a day or two before. Not only was it extra early, it wasn’t like any of my usual periods at all. It was light, and I mean LIGHT. I had only light brown spotting, I only had to change my pad once a day, it lasted only 3 days. At this point I was concerned and googled it and from what ive read it can be an “implantation period”. I still have some odd cramps and im extremely tired. I’ve also gained some weight and have been feeling a little more bloated than usual. I have no clue what to do, where to start, who to tell. I will be taking a pregnancy test within the next two days, but I am honestly terrified.