I have to help her

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    My name is Hannah. I’m 14 years old. I didn’t come to this site because I’m pregnant, but my sister is. She’s 15 years old. She told me a few days ago that she took a HPT and it was positive. She said that her boyfriend forced her to have sex with him. She does exaggerate a lot, so the ‘forced’ part may or may not be exactly how it happened. But, either way, they did it unprotected, and she is definately pregnant. She’s really scared to tell our parents. They aren’t our real parents.. they’re our foster parents. They’re pretty nice people, but who knows what they’ll say..And our mom lives 4 hours away, and we don’t talk to her that much. I’m wondering if anyone knows how we could tell them? I think my sister is pondering about having an abortion, and pretending nothing happened. I am really against abortion, and I don’t think she should. I’m really confused, and scared.. Please give me any advice you can! Thank you so much!


    Hannah, I totally agree w/ you about being against abortions because thats killing another human being. Well about telling them…there really isnt any wrong or right way. You just have to be strong & let the words roll off your lips. If your foster parents love you they will try to understand & be there for you no matter wat! If your sister said he BF forced her, and you dont think she is telling the truth…but that is something really serious. If she isnt telling the truth then the truth will come out one day. But try to convince her not to abort the baby. I really think its up to your to tell your parents to try and save your niece or nephew. I was in the same situation. I’m 18 and my little sister is 17. I didnt tell my mom directly…I kind of gave her hints. But my mom is kind of relieved for the fact that she knows. The longer you guys wait the longer its gonna just stir up inside of you and melt down to the core. You guys just have to be strong…and you must be there for your sister because it will be hard!! I hope everything works out! 🙂


    Hello there- Aunt to be. I think it’s great that you came here for your sisters sack of being able to tell your foster parents. Although, I have not done much studying on Foster Parents/Care- I have learned that MANY children (girls mostly) that are in Foster Care do get pregnant more. It’s an odd study, but anyhow…

    To answer your question. I think it’s great that you all still keep in touch with your mother, whom lives 4 hours away. I think she, your sister, should write your mom a letter and send it to her. I think she should also do the SAME as mentioned above to your Foster mom/dad… or both at the same time. If not, then I do believe YOU should tell them! Be the bigger person. I do hope that she doesn’t get an Abortion. Was it rape, do you know of? Either way though, Please encourage her with strong words… How old are you?


    Post edited by: acas, at: 2006/10/26 22:09


    Thanks to you both for your help. I’ve since talked with my sister, and she doesn’t want to have an abortion, but she wants this baby to go up for adoption. Although, I’d like her to keep the baby, it’s her decicion, and I’m glad she chose not to abort. I guess this way, the baby won’t have to grow up in a broken home with a young mother, like we did, and it’ll be able to live with deserving parents who might not be able to concieve. I’m actually kind of excited! We’ve looked for an adoption agency in our town, and we found one that’s in a different city, only about 45 minutes away. About her boyfriend forcing her, I asked her about that, she said that he REALLY wanted her to have sex with him, and she wasn’t really ready, but she gave in and did anyways. So I’m glad he didn’t rape her or anything!We’ve also come up with a decision to tell our foster parents directly, and about our (her) desicion. As for our mother, we were going to send her a letter, but we’ve decided to call her directly. I think my sister was blessed with this child for a good reason. God gave her the opportunity to give something to another family, that they couldn’t get themselves. I’ll try to keep updated on the situation, and I hope all goes well. Once again, thank you for your help!:)


    It s tough situation. I’m really against abortion too. I would sit down and tell the parents the full truth. If they are nice enough, they will help her through it and let her know that she has your full support!


    Your sister is so lucky to have you. I too am glad she does not want to abort. My husband and I are looking to adopt a baby – we have a wonderful 2 1/2 year old son who we adopted at birth and we stay in contact with his birth parents. We love him so much. If your sister really wants to go through with an adoption we would be honored to talk with her. My email is mmwish2adopt@yahoo.com

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