I have a question

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    I have a couple questions, I don’t know but i have not had my period since the end of July I took tests but they came back negative. My question is my nipples itch really bad and i pee alot i was wondering if that could have anything to do with might being prego. I have not had no moring sickness or different cravings nothing out of the ordenary, I do sometimes feel some falutering in my tummy but i don’t know if that means anything if any one has any suggestions i would apprecaite it thank you? :huh:


    if tests are still saying no then i would say that you arent pregnant.if youre active or anything then you could just be a little out of whack. that sounds reasonable. last period was what almost 3 months ago? you wouldnt be feeling anything in your tummy from the baby yet- not for about another month or more. you may just need to go to the doctor and see whats going on. good luck!

    Kailey 17
    33 weeks 4 days


    you could be pregnant…….i have only been sick 2 times and once was because i didn’t eat b4 i went to bed and the other was because of a long car ride that made me sick…..you should go to the doc and get a blood test done…..also you may not be pregnant but have an infection….infections can cause a girl to not have her period…..either way go see a doc……
    *good luck and best of wishes*


    You usually don’t feel anything until your 6th week, so no symptoms. I had my period at begining of July too, and I’m only 11 weeks pregnant which means i concieved in late august. So, being pregnant could have absloutely nothing to do with your last period if you have irregular cycles, it could just be another irregular u know? do a bloodtest, cuz it’ll pick up HCG levels as low as 5 and that’s pretty much right after you concieve. Good luck, 😀


    Well, missing a period is a sure sign. But, the negative tests are odd. You should see a doctor as soon as possible. If you are pregnant, you need to see a doctor anyway. If you are not, you need to find out why your periods stopped.


    deffeintley go get tested i know what you mean i have been there done that girl go the doctor health department i dont care demand a blood test…urine sometimes doesnt show right away i was 3 months preg. when i finally got a positive go to the doctor imediately…..good luck

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