I had my period but can I still be pregnant?

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    Hello, I’m Mia. I’m hoping that someone can help me with my problem. My boyfriend and I didn’t actually had sex, we we’re just fooling around and he sticks the head of his penis on me, but there were no actual penetration(we’re also both virgins in a way). It happened at the time that I think I was ovulating and I got so paranoid so I researched about ECPs.

    3 days after, I took Nordette which is an ECP here in our country. The instruction is to take 4pills(within 72 hrs of unprotected sex) and then another 4 pills after 12 hrs. So I took the first dose, but after 8hrs, I started vomitting like crazy and I felt so bad, so I didn’t take the other 4 pills as prescribed.

    So they said that 7 days after you took Nordette, you will have your bleeding. But I got mine 2 weeks later, which is right about the time that I should get my monthly period. It was very painful and heavy at the first 2 days, and lasted for about a week which is not unusual.

    But then, 3 days after I got my period, I started having (lower)back pain and felt nauseated at times. Now, it’s been almost a week, I still have backpains and I still feel nauseated. And then I am also burping a lot and am experiencing mild stomach/abdominal pain.

    I am so scared because when I googled it, I found out that these can be early symptoms of pregnancy. I don’t know if I am just paranoid and stressing too much about it, and that it’s all in my head but I’m really scared. I’m not ready to have a baby yet.


    Hey Mia, I am so glad you came to the site!! Here is the deal, You have taken a prescription medication, if I understand correctly, an emergency contraceptive….No one here on the website is a doctor, nor are any of us able to give medical advise or diagnosis….This is what I recommend for you….First, do not engage in ANY sexual activity until you know for sure if you are pregnant or not, this way, if you are not pregnant, you do not continue to risk pregnancy while you wait to find out, make sense? Second, Please make an appointment with your regular gynecologist and have a well female exam, check for pregnancy with a blood test and explain to the doctor what pills you took and the details of the symptoms as well as the side effects….The doctor will be able to tell you why you are experiencing the things you are…..I have heard many similar things from girls who take ECP’s, you are giving your body a major overdose of hormones and it is bound to throw your cycle off track as well as cause a variety of uncomfortable symptoms….I would like to recommend that you and your boyfriend take things slower…I learned the hard way, I had two kids from two dads by the time I was 21, At that point I made the choice to not have sex again until my wedding night and made it 2 1/2 years to my goal, I met and married my amazing husband and he waited for me till our wedding night! I say plan your wedding before you have sex and place yourself at risk for pregnancy! I now know both ways and I tell you what, the pregnancy I experienced in my marriage (although the worst one physically, many problems) came with the most peace and security…..I hope this is just a “scare” for you and your boyfriend and that you will consider holding off on the physical stuff for a while longer! I hope you come back and let us all know what you find out from your doctor! Love Meg


    Hi, thank you for that Meg. We are not engaging in any sexual activity anymore after that because we ‘re not able to see each other always.

    The pain on my abdomen is increasing and so I’m planning to see a doctor but I’m scared because I’ve never been to a gynecologist before and I don’t exactly know what and how to tell her everything.


    Well the first time I had a female exam I was really nervous and insecure….You will be asked to change into an exam gown and lay down on the exam table, my doctor always has a nurse in the room so there is accountability and if you feel uncomfortable about anything there is a witness, during a female exam they will insert and instrument into your vagina and open it slightly so that they can see what is going on inside, check your cervix and fluid levels etc…Many gynecologists are aware that it is a little uncomfortable for us patients so they are good at explaining what they are doing before they do it and making sure to be very gentle, You will probably have blood taken to check for pregnancy along with a urine test, they may screen you for std’s which is normal practice for anyone engaged with a sexual partner outside of marriage or if they have had more than one partner, or if their partner has had more than one partner….Just be real and honest, tell them you are nervous and that you would like to have things explained before the exam, ask tons of questions etc…just make sure that you inform them of the exact name and dosage of the pills you took and where you got them from….They may do an ultrasound to make sure you are not experiencing an pregnancy outside of your uterus….Just also remember that your gynecologist has heard EVERYTHING….There is nothing you can say that is embarrassing that someone else has not said before, If there was a fly on the wall at some of my appointments the poor thing would laugh itself to death!!….Its ok to have questions, even about how your body and cycle work, You would not believe how many girls have asked me questions about their bodies and what little they knew about how pregnancy happens, why they have a period etc…Its ok! Just be seen to make sure you are ok….After putting all those hormones into your body and your abnormal period you need to be seen! I am so glad that you two are refraining from sex for now, I hope that is a decision that you find yourself holding to until marriage, TRUST ME, its worth it! <3 Love Meg

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