I found out the sex!

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  • #26501

      hey guys i found out the sex of my baby on wednesday and Adam and i are having a baby boy!!! Adams soooo excited that he has his little boy lol im just happy hes healthy. :laugh:


        wow! CONGRATULATIONS., so what will be the name your baby bOY? i am really happy for you., ๐Ÿ˜‰


          im not sure what we will be calling him. we have a few names picked out we like Mason, Jaxson and Keagan


            ohh that very nice! how many months are you?


              i am nearly 5 and a half months pregnant now….are you pregnant or do you have any children?


                well., i don’t have children right now i am waiting on my period o cum., but i hope i am pregnant! i really wish i am., ๐Ÿ˜‰

                sophia roses mummy

                  awwww congrats! ๐Ÿ˜€ when are you due? xxxxxx


                    Congrats, i just found out i’m pregnant again. i’m only 5 weeks so it will be awhile b4 i find out the sex


                      Congrats on the baby boy !!!! I think keagan is a very cute name

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