I found myself pregnant at 16

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      I stumbled upon your site tonight, and I couldnt help but post. What a wonderful thing this site is, and what an amazing thing you are doing for so many! Reading through the site, the tears were just pouring down my cheeks, reading the stories and letters.

      I too, found myself pregnant at 16. There were no resourses like this then, I only wish I would have had something like this. I too, consulted Pl. parenthood, who told me abortion was my only option. Fortunatly for me, I had just completed a school project where I studied abortion, and had a firm conviction to choose life. Every day I look at that 11 yr old boy, I am grateful for that knowledge I had to base my decisions on. He is the greatest blessing of my life. It was the hardest thing I ever did, to go to highschool pregnant and alone, to raise that child as a scared unprepared girl, but there is nothing I would have ever done different that would have brought me more joy.

      I always promised in repayment to those who helped me, that someday, when I was able, I would do the same for young mothers who face the same challenges I had, so it touches me so deeply that there are resourses like this and those who want to make the differance in others’ lives this way. I am now 28 yrs old, and due to unrelated medical issues, I am facing my full hysterectomy on the 16th of this month (march) What a tragedy it would have been to not have had my children early, to have given up my chance to be a mother and to have not had that opportunity now that I am older.
      FOr everyone who is going though this now or has in the past, I am so proud of you for your strength! You are amazing people, and you are stronger for your trials.

      Thank you again ladies for putting together this amazing site! You are doing precious work!




        I commend you for being so brave and
        bringing your son to the world.
        I’m sure it is not easy. In fact I have no idea what it feels like.
        I had a m/c at 8 weeks. I am 31 years old.
        I have a great hubby. I thank God everyday that I am not alone.
        I prayed today at church for my little baby.
        I hope that I am not too old to have kids.
        But my hubby said i’m not a cow. I don’t have
        to have a kid.
        I salute all the Mommies out there!
        What a job you have!


          Your story is very inspiring- it is awesome. I’m so sorry about your hysterectomy- you are right though that would have been even harder if you would have not had a child yet. I was pregnant last year and had considered an abortion too but I didn’t and I now have a beautiful little baby boy to show for it:) Anyways I just wanted to say hi and tell you I loved your story:)

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