i feel dumb asking this but can you please help!!!

HOME Hot Topics Girl Zone Pregnancy Questions and Symptoms i feel dumb asking this but can you please help!!!

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    ok… can you get pregnant on your period? i mean…if your on your period and you have sex can you get pregnant ya know…and also can you get pregnant off of pre-cum? Because my boyfriend and i had sex 7 times this weekend and we didnt use ANY protection..he did pull out but theres always the chance precum..i was on my period too…and its not that i think that i am pregnant but i was just wondering if it could happen because about a month ago i went the worst miscarriage and i dont think i can go through something like that again… ive been on birth control for almost a year now but like i said i was on my period and so my patch was off all weekend…and plus my birth control really isnt that good because i take topamax and it says that that will cause the birthcontrol to be weakend…thats how i got pregnant the first time…i didnt know that. and at that time he wasnt pulling out because we thought that the birthcontrol was good…but it wasnt apparently….and so i was just wondering… can you please help me so i dont go outta my mind with this!!!


    hii, sorry to hear about your miscarraige 🙁 umm..yes you can get prgnant from pre-cum, and im pretty sure you can get pregnant whilst having your period..i’d do a test just in case but wait a little while so that the hormones are stronger so it gets a better reading..let me know how you ok, and good luck with which ever way you want it to turn out…daniella xox


    pre cum contains sperm so yes u can get preg from it…and as for the getting preg on ur period, it’s rare but can happen…


    thanks for replyin to me…i feel dumb askin that but i was just wonderin….its not that i dont want a baby right now but if it happend it happens ya know…im not gonna be upset at all….i put my patch back on Sunday but i took it off on Tuesday…and i did that the first time that i was pregnant and my "period" came again even though i had had it already…but this time i took it off on Tuesday and here it is Friday…and it hasnt came yet..i mean maybe im over reacting but i dunno…how long should i wait for the test????

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