hello girls,
im really confused. im feeling really crummy. i need your help to figure this out, so here it goes:
my cycle usually goes between 25 and 28 days. my last real cycle began september 15th. so i really wasnt due for a period until this week. however last week, monday OCT. 3rd i spotted and bled for a few days ( like 3) then i had light brown cm ( i know, too much info). my period usually lasts about 7 days, so this was short. all last week i slept forever, i felt like i had a head cold. i experienced multiple dizzy spells and headaches for hours.
it wasnt till after my mother suggested to me that it could be that i forgot to take my zoloft the past few days that could be causing me to feel dizzy. however, the missed pills wasnt until after the early bleeding.
but now i have resumed taking my medication and im having cramps and lower back pain.
whats wrong with me? howcome i bled so early? could i be pregnant? was it from the missed zoloft? or am i being paranoid?
please help girls!
-nicole :unsure: