I don’t know what to do, I love my boyfriend :((

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    I’m 21 years old. A Christian,but also a backslider. A loving Girlfriend but i cheated the love of my life,I hooked up wid my ex,I have tempted but it’s all lustfully.And I hate myself for that:( I dnt want to lose my bf.

    My period is almost delayed for 2 weeks and 5 days.I am regular. every month my period comes with the same date.In the first week of delayed I experience frequent peeing, and hard to poo to the toilet. And I do experience constipation in that week,and experience a lot of cramping i thought just because my period is coming. But no show of period. For the second week of delayed All those things just gone also the cramping. But just this day,went I see some brownish spot in my undies i thought it was my period. Hopefully later.
    Tomorrow sunday morning, I’m going to take HPT test before I’m going to church.that’s the best time. I confessed my Sin to JESUS.Everytime and everynight.He knows I’m dying in crying.My boyfriend and I have a happy long distance relationship for now.And I love him so much :'( Everytime he calls me up I always cry telling him I love him so much,and i missing him can’t wait to see him again, that watever happened He still the one I love. We have are plans for the two us. Like having a Big family.But I ruin it:((( I know if I’m pregnant there’s a big chance of loosing him. I know he loves me he proves that always.

    So girls?What do you think am I preggy?and I need a motherly/friendly advice. I would really appreciate it. thank you


    Hey there. As long as Jesus is there you can always surpass any trials you are facing right now. Let us know how u go with your HPT! πŸ™‚


    Thank you for the reply.But that night my period comes.and it’s the third day of my period. Jesus really loves me πŸ™‚ HE forgives me and gave me another chance and I won’t waste that chance anymore. God is good all the time πŸ™‚


    Hello. I definitely agree that we are all sinners. Despite all the wrong we have done I am amazed more and more about how much God loves all people! We MUST repent of the choices we’ve made that are against His ways and continue on, knowing He’s the only one who can cleanse us. And knowing that repentance is so freeing for our souls. It sounds like (from reading some of your other posts) that you found you are not pregnant. That’s a scary way to learn a lesson, but learn it well. When we are disobedient, our choices really can cause huge things and ultimately wrong choices are unhealthy and right choices help lead us into the beautiful and fulfilling lives we are meant to live. And each and every choice (big or small) each day shapes who we are and who we are becoming. I hope things with your bf go well now and that you guys can have an honest and loving relationship. I pray you will have honesty and trust and that you will hold out for whoever is to be your husband one day. Love him all the days of your life and do good for him even before you are married and know who he is. Grace and peace to you from our Lord Jesus.


    Renee Thank you sooo much πŸ™‚ Godbless you.Thanks for sharing some advice and words of wisdom.


    what are sisters for? I hope you are doing well now πŸ™‚

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