I don’t know, but I might be –

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    It’s been a long time since I’ve been pregnant, my only daughter is 5 (just recently turned) and my husband and I have been trying for 3 months or so now to conceive.
    I’m unsure, but am scared to get my hopes up…
    The beginning of my last period was the 16th of September and it’s the 20th of October and I haven’t had my period yet. Could I be? Or am I just wishing to much?
    Thanks πŸ™‚


    You might be, but I would say take a hpt, then if thats positive, go to the doctor. I hope u the best of luck!!!!


    Yesterday i found out that i am pregnant, i turned 17 on the 26th of september and i am hiding it from my boyfriend. The only thing in the world that he wants is a baby, but he says that he wants to wait until we are able to give the baby the needs that he/she needs, i am so scared. I have been pregnant twice before, i lost the baby, once becuase the baby’s father’s new girlfriend didnt likfe that i was pregnant with her boyfriend’s child so she punched me in the stomach and i lost the baby, and once because my body rejected the baby. I am scared that i am going to lose this baby, so i am not telling the father because it will break his heart, do you have any advice for me?

    Thank you,


    Hello Fawn,
    Im in the same situation you are. My daughter is 10 yrs old. My husband and I have been trying for a 1 1/2 years to get pregnant. My last period started on Septemebr 12th and now its October 20th and I haven’t started yet but only my nipples are very tender. This has happened to us before though. I bought a couple of pregnancy tests but am affraid to take them in fear that they will be negative. πŸ™ Just keep trying during your fertile days and good luck to you! πŸ˜‰ By the way my husband stopped smoking and stopped his weekend beers and his sperm count doubled, just an FYI incase your husband has either habit. Good luck!!


    Hey, It’s me again – Fawn –
    I’m still in the unknown stage, I got a faint sign of my period today, but it was just a little bit and it was irregular color and only breif…

    I found myself really tired today, a few days ago I felt sick when I tried to eat a peanut butter cookie (which i normally love)… I was insanely emotional right after my husband’s and I’s wedding (on the 23rd of september)…

    The day before yesterday I took a hpt that had a neg sign and a few odd dotten lines along where the pos part of the line would be – and today I did it again (The hpt) and it had the neg line, and this time one odd dotted line along where the pos would be… So this thing is confusing me. I’m going to keep an eye on my period (What of it I seem to have) and take the last test I have on Monday or Tuesday and go from there..

    What do you guys think? I think I’m to tired to think


    Well, i’m not pregnant
    But we’re trying even more now!!! πŸ™‚
    I found this website through a friend of mine that I chart my basal temp on and everything to find out when i Ovulate… Here’s my particular page:

    It’s an awesome page!!! My friend got pregnant using it.

    http://www.fertilityfriend.com is the base of the website if anyone wants to use it, it’s good for if your trying and have a basal thermometer (You can buy them at the store – like London Drugs or Superstore…) It -has- to be a basal thermometer though.

    Good luck


    My name is Kara and im 17 years old yeah thats young but me and my boyfriend has been trying for almost a year now im 16 weeks pregnant i didnt find out untill i was two months but i was the same way all i can say is got get a home pregnacy test and take it if it comes back positive i would go to the doctors i wish yall good luck

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