I couldnt believe what he said to me!

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    This morning me and my boyfriend were lying in bed and i was really quite…because im VERY nervous and all with this scare.

    he askes me whats wrong. and i tell him im just scared…and that if i am i want him to know that there is no chance of me having an abortion and if he really doesnt want a baby right now then we can always consider adoption.

    he says " abortion is not that bad. its not even a baby yet! trust me you will look back at this and regret it."

    and i freak out and say " are you serious? how could i have a baby and then say uhh i regret all this and i wish i would of just killed it "

    ugh. i just couldnt believe he said that i would regret having a baby.


    are u serious… let him read the poem about abortion…

    i fell out with a few ppl who said i was crazy not havin an abortion and its not a real baby.. that i was bein selfish puttin pressure on my parents with my dad bein sick…

    but one kick from my littl baba and i knew i was doin the right thing..



    omg i know!
    i tried to get him to read it…but he was like no i dont need to read anything, i have already learned about abortion. i know what happens..

    and i made him listen to the song "happy birthday" and after one minute of it he turned it off and said he couldnt listen to it

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