I chose life

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      I am writing as I hope that my story can be shared with all at SUG and hopefully will help other girls who are torn between choosing life and abortion.

      I was 21 and had been with my boyfriend for 3 years when I found out I was pregnant in December 2007. My initial reaction was shock, as I was, at the time, a college student, with 6 months left until graduation. My boyfriends reaction was also shock, as we had always used contraception. However, we were also very happy as we loved (and still love) eachother very much, and so decided that we would keep our baby.

      Later that day we told his parents of our situation. To say that they were displeased is an understatement. His father started hollering at us, and asked whether we were keeping the baby or “dealing with it”, as he chose to put it. When we said that we were choosing to keep our baby he went totally mad, all directed at me, saying that I was selfish and that I was messing up his sons life etc etc. He said it would be a simple procedure, it would only take a few minutes, and then everyting would go back to how it was before, and that I would know nothing about it! His mom wasnt quite so bad, she just said she was disapointed in us, and that she was sad about all the “couple things” we would miss out on by becoming parents.

      However, as my boyfriends father rules in his house,his opinion stood,and he decided that if I kept the baby, I would no longer be welcome in his home, nor would my boyfriend, and he would have to move out. Not once was my college education mentioned.

      Becuase of this, we decided that an abortion would be the lesser of two evils, so to put it, in our situation. The day we went to the clinic I cried and cried. When they called my name, I went with the nurse, for my dating scan, as I had no idea how far along I was. I wasnt looking at the sceen, but when she said that I was expecting twins, my heart stopped. She asked if I was ok and I said I was. She asked if I wanted to continue the procedure and I did. As the nurse was prepping me for theatre, I suddenly felt I had to get out. I told the nurse who was putting the needle in my arm to stop as I wasnt going through the produdure, and she said are you sure. I said yes and she actually hugged me and said “you will not regret this”.

      I wont pretend we had an easy time from his family, but they came around to the idea of being grandparents. My Pop was also very supportive.

      The pregnancy itself went as well as it could be considering I was in college, with everyone looking and talking about me, as if I was the first pregnant person they had ever seen. I graduated when I was 29 weeks pregnant.

      The trouble started when I went for my 32 week checkup. I was told that I had severe pre eclampsia, and that I was being admitted to hospital for monitering as the babies heartbeats were very slow and they seemed very small for their gestational age. As you can imagin, I was terriified.

      19 hours later, I was being wheeled down to theatre for an emergency c-section. I had a little boy named Alfie, weighing 2lbs 120z and measuring 12 iches, and a little girl named Olivia weighing 1lb 5oz and measuring 11 iches. They both had severe problems with breathing and others and sadly Olivia passed away 5 hours later inside her incubator. I hadnt even seen her apart from a 5 second glance when they lifted her out of me as she was so sick they took her straight to the neonatal intensive care unit, and I was too sick to go there. I did get to hold her and dress her later, though it broke my heart.
      Alfie howver, stayed in the neonatal intensive care unit for 9 weeks until he was allowed home. He is now a happy, healthy 9 month old boy.

      I truley believe that it was my faith in the Lord Jesus Christ that helped me through all the immensley difficult times. He was there giving me strentgh when I found out I was pregnant. He was there giving me strength when we told our families, and was definatly there in the clinic room telling me that an abortion was not the way to go for me and to choose life. I also know that He was there with me in the delivery suite, and was there when my beautiful Olivia was taken from me, and heled Alfie fight for his life.

      I guess I am writing to you all to let you know that no matter how hard the situation appears, you CAN get through it and you will, all you need is Gods love and he will help you to be a Stand Up Girl, he helped me and I am so glad I chose life.

      Thank you for taking the time to read this.


        Thank you so much for sharing your story!


          Thank you for your story:)


            i am grad you choose life. all baby deserve living. i did to my son and he is now 1 month and 12 days. i got threate from my boyfriend, all people around me, the only support i lean on was my Savior, myself and SUG. the person who suppose to father my son abandoned several times with different terms as if you cannot abort, i wish you to miscarriage. i put my faith in God, that i wont abort i ll prevent it. but i cannot prevent miscarriage and i said to myself what ever will happen i ll accept it. i named my son Pride All mean i give God respect and myself because i did nt do nasty to please other or myself rather give my son life. God ve answer for all who re lowly in heart. people who became hated me during my pregnancy re now holding my baby. i dont want to be a murder thats why i chose life.


              So, i have also chose life. i have everything in order. i am in gr.11 and will still be able to finish gr.12 next year in haft the time as everyone else.

              just one thing… i just found out last saturday. but i’m starting to get bigger, is that normal? i couldn’t be that far alone, i only missed one of my things.

              my systems:
              * dizzy after eating/ if i don’t eat
              * tender nipples
              * i have to go to the washroom ever hour/haft and hour
              * i eat so much and never get full, ever.
              * I can go to sleep at 9:30 and wake up at 7:00 and feel like i didn’t sleep at all.
              * Odd feels/little pains in my lower tummy.
              * i randomly wake up at 5 every night and like need food.
              * randomly i get really hot, like i’ll just start sweating. and that new for me, i never sweat.
              * i am not an angry person, but something little can just set me off now. its embarrassing.

              the thing is i can’t be more then a few weeks, can i?


                Hey everything you have is perfectly normal ohhh and I am only 9 weeks and when I found out it felt like I had a bump as well but for me its only bloating and usually is just bloating in the first couple weeks. Even though I liked to think it was a bump ๐Ÿ™‚ Also, your uterus is about the size of a grapefruit now when it used to be the size of your fist so that also starts the bump earlier. So for me even if I don’t eat I am usually bloated! Can not wait for the real bump but for now I can just say this is one ๐Ÿ™‚ And you never know, you could be carrying twins, that would make you have a bump earlier on but not too early. Do you remember when your last period was? They start counting from your last period so basically they add 2 weeks to the date because no one ever really knows when they ovulated. Oh well its 2 weeks less I have to wait! So when I found out I was pregnant the doctor told me I was 6 weeks 5 days! I thought I was 4 ๐Ÿ™‚ So I was quite happy! Good luck and I wish you a happy and healthy pregnancy! Also, I would go to your doctors as soon as you can to make sure everything is going smoothly and he/she will answer any of your questions or concerns ๐Ÿ™‚ Good luck, and talk to me sometime if ya want


                  Thank you for sharing your story. ๐Ÿ™‚ It is both heartbreaking and sweet. I congratulate you and your boyfriend on standing up for your children! It is the best choice possible.


                    this story made me cry..thanks for sharing this,i hoped it touched others as much as it touched me


                      oh that is a wonderful decision u had made, though olivia stays with God, still u have ur amazing alfie w/ ur supportive and a truly loving hubby.. Good luck with your life and i wish u all the best! take care! GOD BLESS!

                      much love, nelle!


                        Your story is a really good one to share with other moms to be who dont know what to choose. I was also stuck in between the two decisions and from beginning I knew what was right. I was 15 when I found out I was pregnant. When I told my mom she told me that if I wont get a abortion I cannot live with her and that she will put me in the DCF custody. She told me all this messed crap every day up till I was 3 months. Then she tried to talking about adoption. Ever since I found out that I was pregnant I knew that I will keep the baby. I’ve had a lot of pressure because of that plus I’m still in school. Now I’m 28 weeks along with a baby boy and I’m really happy I made my choice because he is a blessing ๐Ÿ˜‰


                          YuongMama wrote:

                          So, i have also chose life. i have everything in order. i am in gr.11 and will still be able to finish gr.12 next year in haft the time as everyone else.

                          just one thing… i just found out last saturday. but i’m starting to get bigger, is that normal? i couldn’t be that far alone, i only missed one of my things.

                          my systems:
                          * dizzy after eating/ if i don’t eat
                          * tender nipples
                          * i have to go to the washroom ever hour/haft and hour
                          * i eat so much and never get full, ever.
                          * I can go to sleep at 9:30 and wake up at 7:00 and feel like i didn’t sleep at all.
                          * Odd feels/little pains in my lower tummy.
                          * i randomly wake up at 5 every night and like need food.
                          * randomly i get really hot, like i’ll just start sweating. and that new for me, i never sweat.
                          * i am not an angry person, but something little can just set me off now. its embarrassing.

                          the thing is i can’t be more then a few weeks, can i?

                          – It depends how far along you are and a lot of those symptoms can come because you are thinking a lot about the pregnancy. Good luck

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