I can’t stop thinking about my baby.

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    Hey All….
    I haven’t been on in a while ( I moved so i haven’t had time). As some of you already know i had a misscariage in July (I’m 15 btw). Well I can’t stop thinking about my baby. I am going to therapy, & it is helping a lot, but almost every day I cry. I was two months pregnant when i misscarried. I was planning on keeping my baby. I just want to be pregnant again, I want my baby back.:(
    Has this happened to anybody else? How did you start healing?


    Oh.. I´m so sorry 🙁
    But I don’t think if you get pregnant again
    nów, this feeling will go away.. You’ll
    never get your baby back.. You’ve gotta give
    it some how a place, and accept it before you
    will try to have another baby…



    Hi, I am so sorry about your loss. I know what you are going through. I’ve lost 3, most recently I was 2 months along and lost it. I’d lost the other two a 5 1/2 months and then 4 months. It doesn’t get any easier and the thought of missing the one you lost doesn’t go away. Know that your baby is in heaven with God. If you need to talk just let me know ok… Take care and you are in my prayers.


    Hi, I’m so sorry to hear about your loss, i have also had quite a few losses, and the pain is so awful, but know that by talking through it and with time, it does get easier. The pain never goes away, and the wish that it had ended differently always stays with you, but it does get easier slowly with time, just stick in there.

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