I can’t lose my baby girl!!

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    i am 7 months pregnant.

    [color=#000080]ok…I get this call from my doctor. She says I have a urinary tract infection. To be honest, I’ve had it for 2-3 months…I can’t get rid of it. She ordered me some meds. But she did say that IF I can’t get rid of this infection, then it could develop into toxemia (sp?), which, according to her, can be fatal to my baby.

    I am terrified and just worried and confused at what to do (other than the obvious of takin the meds) Did I do this? Did I cause this? Will I be the reason I lose my baby girl? If something was to happen to her, I would of course feel completely responsible and lost.

    She’s everything to me. Please help me through this time…we both need your prayers and advice.[/color]


    Ok, try not to think of the worst yet. Take it one step at a time. I know that is easier said than done when your child is involved. The meds may clear it up just fine. I am praying for you 🙂


    this is a serious thing.. as much as i know you are worried about her, you need to worry about you… the urinary infection can bring on early labor,,, but if it goes on for a while without treatment it could be fatal even to you… i know a lady who was pregnant and died from it… please make sure you take this seriously… youre lucky to have known this at all… take care of you 2. and a urinary infection cant be caused because of you so you cant blame yourself one bit


    I am so sorry to hear about your situation. I will definately pray for you and your baby girl! Good luck, honey, keep us updated!

    New mommy Jaclyn

    I had toxemia when I was pregnant. Just make sure you do your fetal counts at least twice a day. You’re 7 months now so they can take the baby out and she will survive if you get toxemia. My baby made it out okay with me having it. Just take it easy. Don’t stress your baby girl out too much. 🙂


    Well all i can say is that i will be preying for you. Seven months is very far along and you have become so attached to your girl and i know you love her already, that is exactly how i was feeling too. I also had a urinary tract infection but only right after she was born so I am sorry that i dont have any advice for you, but only to be postive and also take the meds of course. Jesus is there for you girl, just talk to him!


    I’ve actually had something that sounds eerily similar to your story. In may the doctor called me and said that it looked like I had a slight UTI. At the time I really wasn’t feeling it so I told her no and she said to call if I DID feel symptoms later. Low and behold, I did. SO when I went in for the next appt. they made me pee again and told me that the last one was contaminated or something (I didn’t pee in it the right was?!). So they gave me the meds and for a while I felt better. But then I had to stop a little earlier on the meds cuz of the side effects. Then I resumed like 2 days later. I FELT WORSE! Now that infection feeling comes and goes so I drink ALOT of water or a cup of cranberry juice. That seems to quell it. And all the while the doctors office doesn’t seem alarmed or they don’t find enough in my urine to raise the red flag. It kinda worries me tho. But i don’t feel sick otherwise and baby is kicking like crazy. Just TRY not to worry to much. Tell the concerns you have to the doctor. *and drink lots of water and juice* :side:

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