I can’t believe I’m PREGNANT

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      Hey everyone. I’m gonna introduce myself to ‘yall right now…I’m 16 years old, and I just took a pregnancy test yesterday and it came out positive. The thing was though, I was on birth control, and I have been for a while. :ohmy: I didn’t miss a pill or anything, but I know they aren’t 100% effective…But anyways, I have been dating my boyfriend for two years and we planned on getting married once we were out of high school, and starting a family once we got steady jobs and stuff. I know that he will be worried at first, and I am too, because my mom is three months pregnant, and although she is really happy, we barely have enough money to take care of mom’s new baby. I’m worried about two things. #1, how am I gonna tell mom and dad #2, how are we gonna afford my new baby. My b/f has a job, but it’s only min. wages because he is still in high school. (He’s a senior, I’m a junior) But if ‘yall have any advice on how to tell mom and dad (we don’t have a very good relationship) and the best way to tell my b/f that I am…any help or advice really. Thanx a lot.


        I say pray about it ask God what he wants you to say and you recieve the words God bless and good luck!


          i know this sounds really harsh but you have gotta just come out and say it, i found out i was pregnant back in february and told my mum and boyfriend straight away, both reacted very badly and i was forced to have an abortion, i was also on the pill at the time and have been for years. the longer it goes on the harder it will be to tell them, just make sure your parents know how you feel, for me personally the pain of an abortion was too much and i have now split with my boyfriend and things are strained with my mum, i just couldnt forgive them for makin me abort the baby. but remember there ARE funds available for you and if your bf is gonna stick by you, you are a very lucky girl. count your blessings and good luck babe. xx


            im 33 weeks and i never told my parents…per say, i came home from work sick one day and my mom said "your pregnant arent you? i can hear it in your voice!" dont know how she figured out that one out but she did. my plan on how to tell them was to go to the doctors-i found a place that i was going to go-some healthy beginings clinic thing-and then tell my parents so that they knew i was being responsible and wanted this baby and could do what needed to be done. try that, do something first to show you can be trusted to be mature. good luck with it all.

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