Hi my name is Christina..I am a mother of 4.I have a few questions i hope someone can answer them.Last month(September)i had a normal period lasted 7 days.Me and my husband have been TTC.This month on the 1st i started to spot i thought it was my period it was off and on and only when i wiped.I tested and it came back neg,I never got my period this month.for the past few weeks i have been feeling sick to my stomach all the time,boobs are swollen,darker and have little bumps around the nipple area,I feel bloated and hungry all the time ,tired more ,just feel worn out a lot.I started spotting again when i wiped today .I am not sure what is going on.I haven’t taken a pregnancy test in a few days should i try again.I don’t know if you can still be pregnant and your hormones can not be high enough.I know with my first son i did know i was pregnant untill i was 5 months because the test kept coming back neg.I am not sure what to think.If anyone can please help it would be great.thank you god bless.