I am completey lost & confused no one to talk to!

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    I had unprocted sex with my bf on the 19th, i worked it out and i was ovulating on the 20th. lately i have had constipation, stuffy nose, cramps, sore breasts, stabbing pains in my side, dizziness, nausea even food cravings and most of all tiredness, i pee from the time i get up til right before bed also.

    i did a test this morning, i am roughly two days late, but it was negative, i dont think i held it in the urine long enough and i didnt do the test in the morning, coulld this have affected my result? could i still be pregnant?

    Any advice will help…. trust me!!


    From what i know, you still can be pregnant. You can be pregnant and a hpt might not pick it up do to the level of hormones in your body. Just wait it out. When ur a week late try another test and if you still dont get your period by the time your two weeks late get into a doctor to get a test done and find out what is going on. If you ever need anyone to talk to i’m always around send me a message. Keep me posted.


    Yes you could still be pregnant. You should wait until you’re a week or more late and then take another HPT first thing in the morning. Good luck!


    Yes you could still be pregnant. But im sure that is no surprise that having unprotected sex leads to getting pregnant. Best of Luck. Jessica


    I think that’s too early to take a test. I personally waited a couple weeks to take one.


    Thankyou so much for all your advice, much appreciated!

    I’m 5 days late and still no period, not sure whats going on?


    You could always go to the doctor and get a blood test. 🙂


    Try taking a test in a couple of days, or go to the doctor if you can.

    Update us! 🙂

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