how to get a scan helpp fast

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    hiyah this is really important im 10 weeks pregnant didnt find out till i was 7 so i was drinkin befor i new i really need to no how to book a scan as i cnt go to my doctor as my aunty works there iwant to do this befor i tell my parents i live in the uk please help thank you much lurv xxx


    hun U HAVE TO GO TO THE DR. u cant get a scan unless the dr’s office schedules it…thats the only way..theres no way around it.


    Well you could go to your nearest hospital if you dont want to go to the doctors. All you need to do is find the no. for your nearest hospital in the phonebook or online and book an appointment.
    My mums a midwife so depending on where you live (i think u sed the Uk) my mum might have a few no. up her sleeve.
    hope everythings works out for you,
    lv lv


    Hi Dear, This is Vicki the nurse….I think there may be some Pregnancy Counseling Centers near you and many have Ultrasound and will do it for free. Call OptionLine 800-395-help or CP Helpline at 800-672-2296 and they may be able to help you out.


    Hi, I’m also in the UK and to the best of my knowledge it shou;d be possible to visit another GP’s surgery as a temporary patient, you will be able to get the right advice by ringing NHS direct on 0845 4647. They will be able to tell you who to contact and give you the contact numbers you need.


    you really need to see a dr. Maybe you can go see a different dr besides the one your aunt works at.


    yes i agree, just go to another drs or hosp

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