How soon did you show?

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    So im pregnant again, im only 5 wks 5 days, but already my hips are starting to dissapear. I cant balance my daughter on my hip anymore coz it just aint there!!! Also is uncomfortable to wear some of my pants…Nothing happened this soon with jess. With her i started to pop at about 13 wks, but didnt have anything which looked prego like until about 7 months. I have a feeling im going to be huge with this one – the rate im going i think i will have a small bump within a month. I was wondering when other people started to show or noticed things like this?


    I only have one baby so I don’t know this from personal experience but I’ve always heard you will start to show earlier with every pregnancy.


    I’ve heard second pregnancies are bigger because your body’s used to pregnancy by now, and your stomach muscles aren’t as strong and locked in.
    Lol I only showed at 5 months, and even then when I walked into Russian school on high heels and an open top that pretty much concealed the tiny bump I had, everyone was whispering that I’d gone ahead with an *shiver* abortion. They were wrong lol!

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