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    [color=#008000]How soon after unprotected sex can you take a pregnancy test?
    I have not been on birth control for about a year now, but normally use the ‘pull out’ meathod (I know, not the most reliable way of things..) But the other night, my boyfriend came inside me. Now I know that alot of people will say that it is too early to have signs, but then there are others who knew the instant it happend. Ever since the next morning, I have been dizzy and nausiated. Yesterday I had to go home from work, and then, even though I slept for 8 hours before my shift was to begin, I went home and slept for 17 hours straight. The smell of peoples foods or perfumes is killing me, and I can barely eat anything without feeling like I’m gonna throw up. Well today is the 29th, and the 26th was the night that this happened. I know I need to take the test, but I dont want to take it too early. My period was supposed to start sometime next week. Should I wait till next weekend to take the test, or can I take it earlier?
    Thanks to anyone who can help.


    have u done the test?…it’s been a while since ur post…


    Wait until you are late to take the test for the most accuracy and take it with your first mornings urine…..the only "method" of birth controll that is 100% accurate is abstinence….sometimes if you think you are pregnant you can send signals to your body by worrying about it too much and then you will miss your period or start getting sick….your body will "fake" the pregnancy because of your stress about it….let us all know how it turns out…Meg

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