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- This topic has 15 replies, 11 voices, and was last updated 17 years, 11 months ago by
April 10, 2007 at 8:54 am #16711
ParticipantI just found out 2day that a girl at my cousins school is pregnant The girl is only 12 and the baby is due before her 13th birthday. Apparently her and her boyfriend planed it all out.
Even more wrong, I read on the net that not too long ago there was a girl in the UK who got pregnant at 10. She had started drinking and smoking at 9 and her mom was "proud that she was keeping her baby" even tho she was a baby herself and the guy who got her pregnant didn’t care about it :huh: . While pregnant at 30 weeks she still smoked 20 cigarets a day because she didn’t know it effects the baby :unsure:
How could a mother let that happen?? I mean I know she didn’t make her daughter pregnant but its still the mothers fault she was pregnant. I mean she must have known that her 9yr old was smoking and getting drunk all the time as well has having a 15yr old boyfriend or at least hanging out with dodgy older guys and if she didn’t well then it shows how much she looked after her kid. People like that shouldn’t be parents, I’m surprised they didn’t take the little girl away or even arrest the guy who made her pregnant.
Anyone else know of any other kids(not teens) who were or are pregnant?
April 12, 2007 at 6:00 am #16773Meg11
ParticipantI am thankful that you have been given eyes to see how "wrong" it is for your girls to end up in these situations…at the same time we need to be careful not to judge and condemn these people… we need to stand up for what is right and we need to say what is wrong is wrong..but God knows the heart of each person and He is to judge not us…. I hope you continue to seek out these stories and share them so that people will have their eyes opened but I also hope that you will see how ugly sin is and start praying for these people…. you know that God sees every sin on the same level??? a tiny little white lie is as ugly as the mother of the 10yr old who allowed her daughter to be in that situation…. thinking a mean judgemental thought about the 12 yr old and her boyfriend is equal to murder in Gods eyes….I am not just saying this becuase I feel like it these words are in the bible….If you think a hatefull thought towards your brethren then it is as bad as murder…and looking at someone with lust in your heart is as guilty as adultry…. I think you should keep up the "preaching" to the young girls out there that these things are wrong but remember that you are not innocent either and I am sure there is plenty for God to judge in your heart as well as mine….if you want to know more about why I feel the way I do visit my profile and sign my guestbook and I’ll get back to you….Meg
April 12, 2007 at 6:41 am #16774telephonebox
ParticipantAnd that’s true?Like,it definitly isn’t an urban legend?That’s crazy.A baby at 10…wow.
Also,what sort of weird 15 year old would go out with a 9 year old?Unless she looked older and told him she was like 13.You can;t tell with some kids these daysApril 12, 2007 at 10:22 am #16781somebody2love
ParticipantThat is quite sick. I cannot believe that a person could smoke that much while they know that it is harming the baby! It is quite ridiculous, our generation. (haha, I sound like an old person right there. =] ) But I do believe that a 9 year old was pregnant…in fact there was a 5 year old in Peru who was pregnant and gave birth. The child was a result of incest/rape and it was raised as if he was a brother to the little girl, instead of her son.
It’s so sad how young kids have sex and get pregnant…
April 12, 2007 at 2:44 pm #16790goodluckyall
ParticipantOf course, it’s horrible that this happened for many reasons, not the least of which is the fact that mom had her head in the sand or just didn’t care. I’d guess this girl had a lot of issues that led to her behavior. Keep in mind though that many folks feel equally disgusted with girls getting pregnant at 14, 15, 16, or even 17. It’s because once you’ve grown up, especially if you’ve gone down that path yourself, you know that she must’ve been looking for something- an escape, love, fun, or whatever, and you know the struggle that’s ahead for her. The guy should definitely have some consequences for his part. We should commend her desire to keep her baby if it’s because she wants to do what’s right, but we can only pray that it’s actually what’s best. And it doesn’t sound like she’s had a strong role model for being a mom.
April 12, 2007 at 9:15 pm #16793Stephie.b
ParticipantNot bein funny bu uv asked people to reply who arnt ”teens” this site is for teen mums an people who need upport, u are basing ur argument on 1 case, an u even got the fact wrong the girl was 12 years old when she was pregnant cz it was in magazines. . . . . . . .I understand wot u are tryin 2 say bu plz do it on another site, this sit is to support those TEENS who are pregnant an need help, not to be slanderd by people like you. I have seen an spoken to poepl who such big opionions like u do an slag off those mums who do look after there children an are good mums. Please if u wanna be nasty bout yuong mums go sumwhere else please
April 13, 2007 at 2:13 am #16796baby_blu_bird
Participantyeah it was definitely real, it happened when she was out late and really drunk one night. It was even in the news and stuff so it must have been real…and about saying the girl should have been taken away or what ever well she has little brothers and sisters so who knows what kinds of trouble they might be getting into if she was aloud run wild
I agree about that the 12yr old may have looked older but she went to the same school as the guy so he must have known at least what grade she was in which would tell him her basic age…
I just think it wrong and sick for this kind of stuff to happen although i sure worse happens around the world..
I also saw a while ago on some site that posts funny stuff ago an article. It wasn’t funny at all, it was about these kids in who had been reported by their neighbor because he had witnessed them smoking and drinking and there were some pictures showing the kids. There was three sisters 5, 9 and 13 and 5yr old was seen at time throwing tantrums until she was given a "hit" off a bong with weed in it…thyhe two other sisters also drank and smoked weed daily
I just dont understand why parents let stuff like that happen..they must just have deep problems themselfs or something i guess
April 13, 2007 at 2:14 am #16797baby_blu_bird
ParticipantApril 13, 2007 at 3:13 am #16801momma_of_isa
ParticipantGirl, I dont think that you should be writing stuff like this on here, it is offensive to some people. Yes, even though it seems all wrong what these very young girls are doing, you shouldnt be writing stuff like that. Especially if you havent been in this situation or even are.
April 13, 2007 at 5:19 am #16809Rdorman
ParticipantHey.. I just read that and the girl was 11.. but that is still very wrong!
April 14, 2007 at 3:04 am #16831mommy6
Participantmy daughter is going to be 11 and she doesnt even think about sex and drugs thank you god yet on the other hand her friends sister is 12 now 13 and is preg by a 19 yr old what is wrong with our world today that a 19 yr old cant tell the diff. or just doesnt care this is so sick.
April 14, 2007 at 4:54 am #16835baby_blu_bird
Participantby the way with the whole 10yr old who got pregnant she was actually 11 so yeah I was wrong about that but her getting pregnant at 11 doesn’t make it much better and i wasn’t slagging her off for being a young mom I was just shocked about her mom being like that who by the way wasn’t a particularly young mom herself she was 34…
and I never asked people who are not teens to reply..actually I don’t remember saying that at all..i actually never asked a particular age group to reply..
I was just shocked that nothing much seems to be done to prevent stuff like that from happening…
I think I was quite clear in stating that I was shocked about her mother letting this happen. Not the herself because she is just a kid so its not really her fault I don’t know what kinda hellish life she may have lived that led to this either..I don’t live her life so I am in no way of saying that she herself is wrong just the whole situation is wrong
and if I just wanted to bitch about teen mothers being bad mothers I don’t think I would bother posting something up on the net…or be stupid enough to do it on a website full of teen mothers who clearly support it..
and I never said, nor do I think, that teen moms are in anyway worse mothers then older ones. I think its down to the individual themself and if they make what they truly belive are the right decisions for their kids as long as those decisions are in some way rational
April 14, 2007 at 10:32 am #16848kategege
Participantgross but i have a friend whos sister was 9 or so got pregnant with a 20 year old
April 15, 2007 at 6:32 am #16863goodluckyall
ParticipantI have to defend the original poster to those who feel the post was inappropriate/offensive for this site. Remember that although the site is to support each other, it’s a good idea to discourage those who are wanting to be pregnant at an age when we all know it’s best not to conceive. I have to say I agree that it’s sick that a girl so young is pregnant; sick that her parents weren’t more aware and sick that he took advantage of her youth. I think those who have already given birth at a very, very young age as she is should be in agreement, hopefully having learned something from it. The moderators always give advice concerning having confidence and valuing one’s self, and part of what makes this a sickening situation is that the poor girl can’t have thought much of herself even after getting pregnant.
April 15, 2007 at 6:32 am #16864goodluckyall
ParticipantI have to defend the original poster to those who feel the post was inappropriate/offensive for this site. Remember that although the site is to support each other, it’s a good idea to discourage those who are wanting to be pregnant at an age when we all know it’s best not to conceive. I have to say I agree that it’s sick that a girl so young is pregnant; sick that her parents weren’t more aware and sick that he took advantage of her youth. I think those who have already given birth at a very, very young age as she is should be in agreement, hopefully having learned something from it. The moderators always give advice concerning having confidence and valuing one’s self, and part of what makes this a sickening situation is that the poor girl can’t have thought much of herself even after getting pregnant.
April 15, 2007 at 3:36 pm #16870Babygurl801d
ParticipantI heard about the girl in UK and from what I understood they trie taking her away. what happend I do not know. But I did hear about that story. The mom didnt care that she drinked thats why they tried taking her away. Yeah thats sad. But some girls even at 10 may develop different and she may ahve looked older and acteda little older. but idk. everyones different.
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