How much wieght?

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    Ok, I am in my second pregnancy and I am 21 wks. I see other people due around the same time as me, and they are alot larger than I am. My fiancee os worried that I am not gaining enough weight. I am trying to tell him it is because this is my second pregnancy. But am I telling him right? About how much wieght should I have gained by now?


    if you are so worried about your weight you should consult your doctor. weight veries with each person. your doctor will be the best person to tell you if you aregaining enough weight.


    i wouldnt worry too much, a friend of mine was tiny at 21 weeks and people were shocked when she said how far along she was, but soon after she just suddenly "popped out" and gained heaps! and then gave birth to a healthy 7 and a half pound baby. also this was her first pregnancy. your doctor or midwife will feel your stomach and are good at feeling the approximate size of the baby so if they are worried they will let you know.


    i wouldn’t be too worried if i were you as long as your doctor hasn’t said anything then your okay. how much weight have you gained? i am 28 weeks and have only gained 7 lbs so far.


    The guidelines say to gain no more than 25-35 pounds (which I probably had in water weight alone!). Some women just don’t gain like others, water or not. Just as long as you’re eating healthy and your OBGYN isn’t concerned, you should be fine. Weight wise, a lot of women gain less in their second pregnancy, but show more due to the fact that your abdomen muscles don’t have as much work to do stretching wise.


    My doctor told me it was ok. I visited her Thursday. I have gained 5 lbs…and lost 2 then gained ’em, back.

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