how long till labour now??

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    how long after you lose you mucous plug do you do into labour??
    i’ve been losing mine for about 2-3 weeks now…
    i’ve got exactly 3 weeks left until her due date!!

    Soon To Be Mummy To Ella Louise Smart – Due 26.06.09


    With my son I lost my mucus plug exactly 4 weeks before I gave birth, the thing about a mucus plug is that it can reform so it doesn’t always mean there is a set amount of time that you will have baby after it comes out!! Bummer I know but just hang in there, you are in the safety zone so if she comes she will be fine….Love Meg


    This is a very exciting time for you, I’m sure. You will be in my prayers with your baby and your upcoming delivery. I hope everything goes well.

    The mucus plug will shed over a period of weeks as Meg said. It’s important, however, to watch for any leaking fluid that will soak your panties or a pad completely within an hour. Some may not be aware that their amniotic fluid is leaking due to the mucus plug completely shedding. If you notice a huge amount of the plug when you use the bathroom, pay attention to your contractions and their frequency.(Are they getting closer and more frequent? Have they stopped all together since noticing the mucus plug?) These would be calls for concern.

    I remember seeing my mucus plug when I used the restroom, and I had been noticing my contractions getting closer together over the course of a few hours. Then within an hour of seeing the plug, my water completely broke.

    Best wishes for a safe delivery,

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