how long

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  • #13206

    hi there,
    i hope people can help me with this,

    i was just wondering how long would have to wait till its possible to concieve another child after only 6 weeks ago i had an abortion. Now im sure i want a child and its not becuase i aborted my child. i really want another little mircale


    i don’t want to tell you what to do…but….i think you should wait….i think that you need to think about this more…espacially scince you have just had an abortion…..i don’t know if it’s this way in your case but many woman try to get preg after an abortion because they feel guilty and feel that having a baby will fix the mistake they made………..i wish you all the best in what ever to do…..


    I also think you should wait and make sure its really what you want, u obviously had an abortion for a reason, you have to ask your self what has changed since then. I went through that same thing after having an abortion about 7 months ago but then my partner and I know that we had an abortion for a reason. you have to wait 2 weeks till you have sex again but once that 2 weeks is up you can start trying for a baby, you should wait at least 6 months b4 you start to you womb and that can heal but thy just so you take a lot of risk of having a miscarriage. its up to you if you want another baby and you are 100% sure then go for it but i really do think you should wait if only for a year. gudluck with what ever you choose to do, im here to talk if you want as ive gone through the same thing


    I know you may be feeling lonly, depressed, and guilty but now is not the time to bring a child into your world.You aborted one less than two weeks ago and no other child can ever replace that child if that is what you are trying to do. Please wait at least a year or more tell your life is a little more organized and maybe talk to a counselor or someone who can helpyou through this tough time.

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