I’m 19 and I feel like Im pregnant! my last period was really weird I had it for 2 days and it was unusually light. well that was around july the 17th and about a week later I started to feel different. I had light cramping in my lower abdomin and then the symptoms flew in! My boobs are sore and feel sooo sore, I have to pee alot, I have headaches almost all day long and I’ve gotten dizzy a few times, I have thrown up a few times, and 🙁 I have mood swings like crazy! I feel like I’m going insane or something! Anyway so I went to the doctor and they thought I was pregnant and gave me a test and it came out negative and the doctor said "I guess it could be you have a viral infection!" I GUESS?! He gave me a paper on it and the symptoms are NO where near what I have…I dont have diarrhea Im actually constipated! So I was just wondering if it could be too early to tell?! I just really feel pregnant! and my pee smells different! please let me know what you think! Thank you for taking the time to read this!!