how early can you tell if your pregnant?

HOME Hot Topics Girl Zone Pregnancy Questions and Symptoms how early can you tell if your pregnant?

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    heyy was wondering if anybody could help me out. Im new to this and just found out how to work it lol anyways 🙂 well i think im pregnant as i had unprotected sex. stupid? yes i no but owell cant turn back the clock now even tho i wish i could. Im only 15 🙁 and really scared if i was pregnant i would only be about 4 maybe 5 days but im just wish i could find out but im not sure you can until you miss your next period or whatever. Would a pregnancy test work? xxx


    Usually even the strongest tests will only detect the pregnancy hormone about 3 days before your missed period. Sometimes, even then they still may not be accurate. The general rule of thumb in the first few weeks of pregnancy is a test can come out negative and you could still be pregnant, but if the test comes out positive you are definitely pregnant. If the test has come out negative and you are another week late on your period – take another one. – Heather


    hey my name is courtney and um 14 turning 15 in the month of febuary. i had sexy on saturday the 8of this month december and today is tuesday so um 4 days.i cant tell if i am or not but i think my stomach is gettin bigger and i be having to go to the restroom alot to urine.but my mom does not no and the other day we was talkin and she was like if you get pregnant iam going to put you out the house and i was like o and she said you dont have nothin to worry about just keep your legs close so respond back wen you can


    well in order to know u have to wait until you miss your period if u do then go take a test. if it comes out negative then wait a couple more day and test again. but u cant get bigger in 4 days or start urinating more often its just in your head just try not to stress it if u do stress can cause u to miss a period..


    i was 14 when i got pregnant with my 1st child. i took a pregnancy test and knew when i was only 2 weeks. i know that you are scared, but try to calm down. this is a blessing from god! you made a choice and god still used your choice to keep on with his plan. your choices reroute his will, but he still uses our choices to keep what he has in store for us! i am 27 now. i have 2 boys and a baby on the way! the father of both my boys and this one married me. we was very much in love! we are still married. we just celebrated our 12th anniversary. god is real, and he is always there, even when you think that you are alone. put your life in gods hands and let him lead you! he never messes up!

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