how did you know?

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    i was just wondering how did you know you where pregnant? was it a late period ect……the past three days i have been exhausted and i have heartburn and i feel sick….but i got my last period jan 31-feb 5 so idk but a few days later i had light spotting….any ideas i also have been off the pill for a month now…..wish me luck
    thanks for all the advice


    Hey, well I knew I was pregnant when the doctor confirmed it w/ a sonogram. I took 2 test and both came back negative. But the signs were all there, I became exhausted walking up steps (who doesn’t) but these were steps I take everyday to work so my body was definetly used to it. I also wanted to eat odd foods, and heartburn to the max, not to mention my period was missing. I was also hungry, normally I can skip lunch but when I was pregnant skipping lunch or breakfast heck any meal skipping was NOT an option and I was only 8 weeks along at that point. Well hope this helps. Good luck! 😉


    I started to notice changes in my body before I even missed the (barely) periods I was having due to being on Depo for 2 years then the Nuvaring. I was told that with a condition I have that I couldn’t get pregnant anyway 😛 But whoops!

    The thing that tipped it for me was noticing my areolas started to darken, then came the constant sleepiness, followed by not even spotting. &tada!


    I found out by having morning sickness & not being myself (such as feeling sick all the time & "big")



    Erm. . I thought i was pregnant before i was late because my fav food, chips made me feel physically sick an my mood change real bad like bein real nasty to every 1. . . .I was always an still am tierd all the time. . .Hope this has helped luff luff xxxx


    well i knew for sure when i took the test when my period was about 2 days late, but i had this for sure like i just knew kind of feeling the week b4 i took the test… was weird….i just knew….

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