hospital bag

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  • #17047

    Okay, I am asking this to all the ones that had their babies already…
    I just wanted to know exactly what I should be packing in my hospital bag… I am due in 10 more days and I just thought it is about time to get that going! I do know the main stuff of course, well here is my list and please if you think that I am forgetting something or might need to bring something else, just add it! I appreciate it! 😉
    Hygiene- shampoo, soap, toothbrush/paste, lotion…
    Clothes- robe, pj’s, houseshoes, outift for going home in
    Baby- car seat, outfit to come home in

    I know that there must be more!!


    A comfortable blanket (Hospitals are freezing cold all the time), feminine pads (heavy and overnites)-the ones the hospitals give you just don’t cut it, extra pillows if you want.


    I would bring some pads with wings…..they give you these cheap little panties and pads with no sticky on the back…you might be more comfy and keep your jammies cleaner if you invest in a good pad :)….camera….pillow….favorite blanket….bible…other than that I think you got it….let us all know when it happens…I’m praying for you….Meg


    i’m not due till june 8th and i’m just as lost as u on what to pack…i have a whole diaper bag ready for my baby with 3 different outfits, socks, booties, those mittens, diapers, wipes, binki’s, recieveing blankets, burp cloths, wash cloths, car seat, and a stuffed animal i got the baby…..but as for me i have nothing ready!… lol


    For you:
    A book or magazines (it gets loooooong!)
    Music for relazing
    List a people to call afterword

    For Baby:
    Nothing really, besides the going-home-outfit. The hospital provides you with OODLES of goodies; formula, diapers, diaper cream…….etc They even put them in a little t-shirt! LOL

    Good luck! 😛 I can’t wait to hear about Isabella when she gets here!!!!!!!!!


    Dont forget your camera!!!! and something to put your hair up


    I would bring a cozy blanket for you. Warm slippers. Something to read. Hospitals don’t generally get any good channels. I think I will also bring "Depends" (adult diapers – ha ha) or my own pads and old underwear. The hospital gives you pads without adhesive and disposable underwear which just don’t do the trick. Also pack soft drawstring pants to go home in ( no jeans or anything to constricting.. I would take make up and other things to make you feel pretty too. I think after I had the baby I wanted to look as pretty and happy as I felt 🙂


    well when i was gettin my baby’s stuff ready for the hospital i took alot of stuff like pacifiers, clothes, bottlel…etc.But u dont need non of those things…so i think you’re the one thing that u really need is pads with wings and ALOT of underwears!…lol…TRUST ME!

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