Hmmmm…curious question

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    Hello everyone! :laugh:

    I recently was having some weird symptoms. Some relating to pregnancy and some that could be because of my insulin resistance and thyroid problems.

    Just to be safe I took a few pregnancy tests. The first one came out negative. (I figured it would because I wasn’t even late with my period.) And the second, which I just did this morning, came out negative too. Now I am late with my period. Though this is normal. My periods depend on the BC pill. If I take the pill correctly, I get one. If not, I don’t get one. I do find it kinda strange, however, that even though I was only off my pills for 2 weeks due to moving (didn’t have time to go back to get another prescription) I didn’t get my period. I usually get a little something. Especially if I’ve been taking them correctly for 6 months now. This was the first break in a while.

    Anyway, so the 2nd test came out negative. I told the news to my finance and threw the test away. I went back to bed and got up a few hours later. (I think it was 3 hours). I went to the bathroom and I looked over towards the garbage. And the test had a faint positive line. Faint, but not too faint that I didn’t see it from a few feet away.

    I know it says in the instructions that you do not base your results on a test that was taken more then 20 minutes ago. But now I’m curious. All of my other tests I’ve ever taken have stayed negative.

    So, now what? Should I take yet another test? Or go to Planned Parenthood and have them take one? Or should I ignore it completely because it did say negative at first.


    Hiii – I’m Lisa and I am from the Stand Up Girl website.

    You had mentioned that you were moving … is that right? I wanted to quickly just give you a response and say … often times we girls can miss our cycles when something stressful happens in our lives or something big happens. Even diet can cause you to have a late cycle or even to miss a cylce completely.

    For isntance – if you have a pretty low body fat, or you excersize heavily, or you take a trip to a different time-zone, or you move or you are under a great deal of stress. These are all causes of the ‘possibility’ of a late or missed cycle.

    I tell you what. I have a link and a tollf ree 800# to help you locate a free and confidential center in your area. Just click the site, input your zip code and a list of centers in your area will come up. Or call the toll free 800#

    800-395-HELP (4357)

    I would just call them, get a free and confidential test and relieve your mind one way or another.

    Take care of yourself.

    Luv Lisa


    I would go to a pregnancy crisis center and have them take one, just to be sure. You never know with those home pregnancy test, and if you go there they will be able to tell you for sure and you wont have to worry anymore! Good luck!

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