High School && Day Care

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    I’m worried about me going to school and leaving my baby in a Day Care. I need to go to school. I’m not in any way trying to find a way out of school. I’m great when it comes to school, but I’m just so worried about Day Care.

    By the time school comes around, my baby will be only about 2 weeks born. Not only am I worried about my baby being seen in a Day Care so small. But the cost of a Day Care will be so expensive. I really don’t think I’ll be able to afford it. Is there by any chance any help for teen moms that go to school?

    I would consider my mother, but she works 2nd shift, and all my sisters will be going to school with me. And besides, I don’t want to leave my mother or sisters with my responsibility.

    I tried looking it up online, but that wasn’t much help. If anyone has any kind of advice, please let me know.


    Hey, im also very worried about this! After my baby gets here i get 8 weeks off, then i have to carry on at school for another 9 months. Im planning on getting family members to look after him for a while, and then put him into day care when he’s a bit older. Its a tough thing


    I’m so glad you lovely ladies (mommies) are wanting the best for your babies and it is so important to be concerned about these things. I’m glad you are being resourceful and seeking out options. Check out optionline.org for a pregnancy resource center near you…and ask them about anything, parenting, financial issues, daycare…also try SaintChild.org and HandsofGraceministries.org and ask them for any financial, spiritual, emotional support you may need….Those are all good options for tracking down resources, and I’m sure the people would love to help you in any way they can. Blessings and best of wishes!


    Thanks a lot. I just got everything figured out. My mother will be taking care of my child till she has to enter work which will be at 12 in the afternoon. From there she will drop off the baby at a daycare, the baby will only be there for about 3 hours, so it wouldn’t be all day. That makes me feel lots better. 🙂


    Oh I am so glad to hear that! Way to go momma 🙂 And give your momma a big thanks too.

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