Help regarding tests

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  • #17700
    princess Angela

    Hey everyone….
    I took a test about 4days ago now and it was positive but really really faint so i took another one in the morning an the same thing happened. I think it is too early to detect the hormone as by my calculations id only be just a bit over 2weeks and when i was pregnant before i was 3-4weeks by then. I hope i am i just need some advice from anyone this has happened to plz help….

    Love ang


    no matter how faint, as long as there is a visible line, you are pregnant. No one can tell you for sure, but to make it 100% asccurate go to a doctor and get a blood test. congrats by the way


    Well i say if u cant get to the doctor in time wait for either your period or wait a couple more weeks longer u wait the more accurate it will be also goin to the doctor is another plus 😉


    After taking 2 tests and you get the same result, id believe it no matter how far you are. It varies from person to person as to the level of pregnancy hormone is in your body but the test will only pick it up if u are pregnant so id be off to the drs for a checkup! Congrats

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