help plz

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    I have a 9 month old daughter and always planned on having one more in a few years. Then in the last month or so I started feeling those familiar symptoms. I took a test the day my period was due and it was negative. Now my period is a week late and I took another test that came out negative. I keep getting the cramping sensation in my lower abdomen as well as being extrememly hungry. I’m currently sick so I’m not sure if being tired and nauseous is due to illness or pregnancy. I have one test left and I’m wondering when to take it. Do you think it sounds like pregnancy and did anyone else have this happen and if so were you pregnant or not? Thanks in advance.


    that happened to me and i was pregnant. It could be a dodgy box maybe you should go and buy a new test and try it. Also it may be to early to detect. Maybe seeing a doctor and getting a blood test should be the enxt step best of luck emma

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