HOME Hot Topics Girl Zone Pregnancy Questions and Symptoms HELP PLEASE ADVICE NEEDED!!

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    Hey Girls!
    I really need your advice on something. It’s a little weird but has left me a bit lost so I thought I’d come to all the SUG girls for help. Well as you all know I’ve been trying for a baby for a a few months and nothing has really happened except I had what I believe was an early miscarriage in March. Well I had my last period on the 25th May and it lasted the usual three days…since the new year my period cycle has changed from 29 to 35 days and since March has stayed that way. I was convinced I was ovulating and something was telling me to have sex on the 24th which I did (unprotected) also had sex the morning after on the 25th however my boyfriend didn’t fully nut (c*m) but am aware of prec*m so its a little irrelevant. But anyways we also had sex on the 28th and every other day or so for a few days after that. My period isn’t due till the 19th but for the last week or so I’ve have been getting period like cramps varying in intensity. Then around two days ago me and my boyfriend had sex and afterwards I got this intense period-like ache which lasted a few minutes I know that happens occasionally after sex but this was a lot more intense than usual and was accompanied by a very strong pulling sensation either side of my lower abdomen. There were even two indents in the points where the pulling sensations was coming from. this pulling sensation was really intense and on and off in a similar way to period cramps but really strong pulling and when it would pull the indents would deepen and then disappear when it rested. Both the cramping and the pulling lasted a few minuted and were quite painful although not very severe. I don’t really have any other pregnancy symptoms other than the aching and feeling a bit tired and peeing only slightly more than usual….but I know symptoms don’t really show till 6 weeks….HELP!


    i’m sorry to say you will have to wait it out until 6 weeks from now or when/ if you start throwing up more than you think you should.


    Never mind girls had my period this baby 🙁

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