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  • #10035

    ok so i usaly get my period at the frist week of the month and when i do i get it really heavy…but mine this month was verry unusal…. it waas lighter then what it should be…

    i took a test the other day and it said i was’nt… but im not sure and i dont know where to go for a tests that will tell me if i am or not around where i am i dont really trust hpt..

    pleaase help me i dont know what to do im only 17 and i am scaered…bbut happy at the same time….

    any and all help in anything would help me verry much…

    is it too earily to test if i am pregnant?

    could is still be pregant?

    please help




    If you are not sure about home tests you could contact your ob/gyn for an appointment. Or you could contacting your local Birthright or Cirsis Pregnancy Center. If you go to or call 1-800-395-HELP They should be able to put you in touch with resources in your area.



    Hey Pandora.

    Periods are funny things. But netherless when in doubt check. I have heard that some people still get there period when they are pregnant and they are a lot lighter than normal. It also depends what you mean by light, like spotting. Alot of women are pregnant and take spotting or abit of blood as a period.

    Are you feeling any other signs. Nausa, tender breasts or tirdness, tenderness to pee often. My advice to you: Home Prgnancy tests are quite accurate but they don’t have the abilty to decect as well blood tests if the Pregnancy hormone is not strong enough. Do ther one in about week, if still comes up negative, go to your local doctor who can perform a simple blood test. If it turns out your not pregnant, then an explanation may be found for the light period.

    Luv Nessy.

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