HELP! please!

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  • #25042
    sophia roses mummy

    hi i’m 11 weeks pregnant this sat 9th may 2009. when i was pregnant before i got morning sicknes like 4 times
    i dont know wether this is morning sickness or if theres something wrong this past week i keep being exstremly sick and its really worrieing me, i dont know whats wrong
    any advice? :S
    help me pls
    thank you gabby hunter xxxxxx


    each pregnancy is different and so are each ones symptoms… in one u myt have more or less sickness then the in the other same applies for the backache, swelling, peeing etc etc etc lol i dont think u need to worry jus enjoy the ride! however if u feel the need to, go to ur doc n tell him or her about ur concerns, after all thats wat they are there for



    when i was pregnant i couldnt do anything- coz all i done was throw up. anything i ate would be out of my system within an hour.
    but i dont know if thats normal- i assumed it was.

    i wouldnt worry to much- but if you want to go to the doctors to check, go for it. it wouldnt hurt to be double sure would it?

    hope it stops soon 🙂


    sophia roses mummy

    its still not geting better 🙁


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