Help!!! Not Sure whats goin on here

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      Hi im chris, im seventeen, and i have no idea whats goin on with me. Ok heres my story. My boyfriend and i have been together for a year now. I started taking birth control in Feb. and it really messed me up. I had my period and heavy spotting for like 6 weeks. So I stopped taking the pill in May to straighten everything out and lose some weight i put on since starting. Well after stopping the pill my spotting continued but was slowly dying down and i did lose the weight. It finally got to the point where the there was one tiny spot all day. My boyfriend and I have had sex without protection several times…(I know I know not smart) and said he came and didnt pull out in time, but that was while I was on the pill. Now I havent had my period in about a month and 2 weeks. Im very irregular to start out with and I dont know if its going to come. I took a hpt 2 weeks ago and it was neg. but there is still nothing. I dont really show any signs of pregnancy. Somedays i think i am and somedays i dont think i am. my boyfriend is almost convinced i am. so is the effects of the pill still trying to work its self out, or am i pregnant? HELP!

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