help needed

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  • #18270

    Okay. if any of ya’ll know me, you KNOW my child && her father are my life. Well, here lately [[we are broke up now]] he has been lying so he don’t have to see her. He has been hitting on girls. He does pot now!! Today he told me he had to help his roomate move stuff in…well..his mother called over here looking for him && I told her I would tell him if I saw him. So I told my mom’s bf who knows Cliff’s roomate. So My moms bf calls Sammy && ask him to tell Cliff. Come to find out Cliff never made it back over there! && This was at 5:20 when he left my house at 3 o’clock. I want to find a way where he can’t get to me or the baby && make him pay child support && get a drug test. Any places I can reach that can help me with this?

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