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  • #9188

    How can you girls prance around and act as if being 15 and pregnant is all honkey dorey?????? :angry: I just don’t understand plez help me do!!


    Well I am 28 and pregnant for the first time. I had a couple of pregnancy scares when I was 19 and 20, but luckily was not pregnant. I honestly wish that I had waited until marriage for sex, but it is not possible to go back and change the past. Is it ideal for girls to be pregnant at 15? No, I was panicked when I thought I might be at 19 and pregnancy is not easy even when you are 28 and happily married. I would reccomend that girls seriously think about the emotional, physical, and spiritual consequenses before having sex as a teenager. That said, many girls find themselves in a difficult situation and are pregnant at 15. I think this site is important to help them when they feel they have nowhere to turn and to let them know that there are other options besides abortion. Teenage mothers get more than enough condemnation and judgement.


    I think you have got the point of this website all wrong. It is not trying to make it all right for 15 year old to be pregnant because even though i’m a teenage mother myself i still see that it is not really ideal. The reason for this website is to help the few girls that do get themselves into this situation and to give them the little support that they will not get from the rest of society and truely deserve. There are websites and help groups for alcoholics but they are not trying to make being an alcoholic ok, they are just there to support the people that are. I’m not having a go at you but there is so much redicule out there for teenage moms that anything or anyone out there to listen and understand is graetly appriciated 🙂


    I agree. That person didn’t even take the time to really appreciate what this website is offering teen moms, young moms, and adult moms. Touche. 😉 [img]

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