help me, someone please.

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    sunday 20th december 2009.
    my daughthers first birthday.

    only she wasnt here to see it.

    me and her dad have spilt up again.
    so i had to celebrate it on my own, and i just couldnt do it.

    ten o’clock, pm.
    i opened the big bottle of tablets.
    ten past eleven, i was in the back of an ambulance.

    i had overdosed.

    i was in hospital for 13 hours.
    my baby’s dad came when i rang him,
    2 o’clock in the morning.

    i cant handle this anymore,
    i just dont know what to do.
    i wake up every morning and hope to see little lexie-mai and ryan there with me.
    but neither of them are.

    ry is still obviously here, but i cant call him mine anymore.

    now everyone treats me differently.

    silly things make it worse.
    i want to cancel christmas.

    my mum has made me come up to hers to look after me,
    shes asking if im ok every ten minutes.
    and if i havent got a smile on my face she gets all panicy.
    the only time im left in a room on my own is when im asleep, going to toilet or in the bath.

    someone please help me,
    i cant do it anymore!

    i just want to be with my daughter,
    no matter what it takes.



    So what happen with your daughter? Why cant you see her? Is she ok? sorry you are not stating enought details for me to reply


    Lexie-mai….how pretty. Everyone is concerned for you, and that’s why they’re keeping her away. You’ll get through this, hun. Just hang in there. I’m here if you want to talk 🙂

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