Help me plzzz…i might be a teen mother

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    Help….ok….i might be haveing a kid…im only 15 and my bf is 18 is that illegal….omg i am soooo scared…..keep it? or not? how am i gunna tell my parents….im goin crazy..these are my symptoms so far……i feel sick…but don’t get sick… :sick: ……i have to use the b-room all the time….and i have”t had my period……yet wut do yall think :blink: :ohmy: 🙁


    Sounds like you are overreacting. Wait a couple of days and ask your bf to pay, yes, make him pay if you told him, to buy a pregnancy test. You may also go to tested for free. Just look in the yellow pages under pregnant or something similiar. Don’t be stupid. Abortion isn’t going to make anything go away so you should go through with the pregnancy. Give baby up for adoption, live your life and be happy that you brought a child into the world. Ya’ll will be close enough in age that when he or she is old enough to hang out with you ya’ll will be like best friends.


    Sorry to say but yes I think that 15 & 18 are illegal. Does your parents know that you are dating an 18 yr old? Were you protected? And depending on that I would take a test. Because it sounds like it is a posibility. Take it easy and take it one day at a time.If you are pregnant you need to have a talk with your boyfriend. But all I can say is that if choose not to keep the baby I would have it and give it up for adoption. If you were to have an abortion you could regret it for the rest of your life. With adoption you can choose to have an open adoption in which you can pick and meet the family. Depending on the people they may even let you be in the childs life. Whether that be pictures or an extended family. Sometimes they will pay for your medical care and expenses and they may be there through your pregnancy. Good luck and remember no one can make you do anything you don’t want to do.

    Also you should really tell your mom she should be able to help you through this. Who knows maybe your mom will help you be able to keep the baby if you wish to. There is all kinds of help out there.

    Good luck your in prayers.


    By the way, I think you know that it is illegal for him to be havin sex with you. Don’t be so innocent. I had a friend who filed statutory rape against a guy that age. It is for real. Your parents can do that to him whether you want them to or not.


    I am not sure if this will help you but it’s worth the shot. When I was 15 I got pregnant. I had my daughter when I was 16. I didn’t even sit well with having an abortion or giving my baby up for adoption. I decided as a single mother…cause no the father was not there…… keep my baby. Now my baby is almost 6 years old. And I am now 22 years old. Was it a bad decision??? No I think not. It has been the greatest thing I have done in my life. I look at her and through all the sacrifices I had to make as a young teen, it doesn’t matter. I still went to college and I have still lived a wonderful life with my little girl. I think if you go toward adoption or abortion you will regret it. So the moral of this is…………If you end up being a teen mother who cares if your a statistic.. be the best mother you can be, finish school and show your child what making sacrifices, love, and being a good mother is all about. My heart is with you>>>


    YOu are 15 and he is 18 yes it may be illegal but it takes two. As long as you were willing there shouldnt be a problem.

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