Dearest Erica: (Sweet Tea);
I’m 35 and a mother of 5. I am expecting my sixth (yes 6) baby in July. I was really touched by your letter and want you to know first of all….everything is going to be ok.
Pregnancy tests can be real tricky. The urine tests are not as acurate as they claim to be. For instance, I am about 6 weeks pregnant now, although I went to the doctor to have a blood test done to confirm, I did take a urine test (for the baby book) just two days ago…
The plus was so faint that it looked like a negative result. Any amount of coloring even hard to see is an indication of pregnancy in those urine tests.
My advice: Honey you either are or your not…there’s only worry in between. The symptoms your describing are preganancy and depending on how long it has been since your period (you can have spotting or bleeding and even sometimes a period WHILE pregnant) go down to your local clinic and have a blood test done! can have a friend drive you or family memeber you trust….(can you talk to your mom?)
These are trying and tough times for you….Erica you don’t have to be alone. I understand that mom’s can be pretty tough and I don’t know your mom personally but I bet that after the shock she will be very supportive, it is her grandchild after all and nothing brings more joy…(wink except parenthood) Write anytime my handle is Oldschoolmare#6.
God Bless You and Keep You….Lynnette