Help me I might be pregnant! Im really worried!

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    Please help me im afraid im pregnant but me and my boyfriend have had sex WITH protection but he keep saying that I might be pregnant!. Ive been getting headaches alot but I get tension headaches, im starting to think im putting on weight too!. Please help me I don’t want to take a test yet my period’s are irregular, I want to take the test but my boyfriend says wait for my period which is due in a week or two, I cant wait that long though its tearing me apart on the inside!. PLEASE help me with answers!.



    It is less likely, but still possible to get pregnant using protection. Headaches and weight gain may be related to stress or other causes. It is frustrating when your cycles are irregular like mine were. If it has been less than two or three weeks since conception might have occurred, then it is probably too early to take a test. I know from experience how nerve wracking the waiting and worrying in the meantime can be. Your boyfriend is probably right that it would be best to wait until you have missed your expected period to take a test. In the meantime try not too stress too much. Things will work out either result. Best wishes and good luck.



    Hey!! If your period isn’t for a week or two, I’d wait. I’m late for my period 4 days now and my tests are negative. (My periods are ALWAYS on time though) Anyway, I talked to a nurse on the phone and she said the best time to test is 7-10 days AFTER my missed period. I’m gonna go crazy too if I wait that long!! Just try not to stress just yet! It’s still too early for you to tell!! The nurse did say they could do a blood test that is 100% accurate and they can tell if u are pregnant 8-10 days after your ovulation (or conception). I hope that helps some.


    Hi, my name is Chelsea, look… dont listen to your boyfriend, he doesnt control you, and he doesnt know your body like he thinks he does. Get and test and take it, its as simple as that. If you still have doubts (positive/negative) after the test, go to a clinic or doctor and have a free preg. test, they are confidential and free. Let no man hold you down!

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