HOME Hot Topics Girl Zone Personal Experiences – Just Let It Out! HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I NEED IMFORMATION

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    I am 15, my girlfriends 13, we’ve been going out for 7 months, and last week we attempted having sex. ( my mother walked in on us) And im wondering if its possible for her to be pregnant, shes worried sick, shes a few days away from her period but she isnt having cramps or anything, last night she felt very sick like she was going to be sick(vomiting) and she had a slight fever. As far as shes telling me these are the only symptoms but today her brothers girlfriend came to me and asked me about it because she was worried. What are the early early signs of pregnancy (like 1-2 weeks in)

    Please help im worried sick!


    If you had unprotected sex, even if you withdrew before ejaculation, then there is a chance that your girlfriend could get pregnant (because pre-ejaculation does contain sperm). How did your mother react when she caught you two having sex?!? If your girlfriend has not missed her period yet it is probably too early for her to take a pregnancy test. If she is more than a week late for her period I would definitely have her take a test to find out. It is good to hear that you are worried about her. This must be a stressful time for you both. Either way I’m sure she is afraid and could use your emotional support right now, especially if it turns out that she is pregnant. I hope if she is pregnant you will encourage her to choose life for your child, and be supportive of your girlfriend whether she decides to keep the child or give it up for adoption. I won’t preach, or tell you what to do or what not to do, but in the future if it turns out that she is not pregnant it would probably be good to learn a lesson from this experience. If you are not ready for the prospect of parenthood it would probably be best not to be having sex without birthcontrol. Also the only 100% effective way to not become pregnant is to not have sex. I hope everything turns out well for you both.



    If you had unprotected sex, even if you withdrew before ejaculation, then there is a chance that your girlfriend could get pregnant (because pre-ejaculation does contain sperm). How did your mother react when she caught you two having sex?!? If your girlfriend has not missed her period yet it is probably too early for her to take a pregnancy test. If she is more than a week late for her period I would definitely have her take a test to find out. It is good to hear that you are worried about her. This must be a stressful time for you both. Either way I’m sure she is afraid and could use your emotional support right now, especially if it turns out that she is pregnant. I hope if she is pregnant you will encourage her to choose life for your child, and be supportive of your girlfriend whether she decides to keep the child or give it up for adoption. I won’t preach, or tell you what to do or what not to do, but in the future if it turns out that she is not pregnant it would probably be good to learn a lesson from this experience. If you are not ready for the prospect of parenthood it would probably be best not to be having sex without birthcontrol. Also the only 100% effective way to not become pregnant is to not have sex. I hope everything turns out well for you both.



    Yes it’s a possibility but don’t freak out yet! First off, if your mom walked in I’m guessing you didn’t ejaculate so there’s a plus. Second off, with how young your girlfriend is her cycles probably aren’t regular yet. And stressing out won’t help. Her period will come when its ready. I’d recommend that since your mother already knows (since she walked in) that you ask her to buy you guys a test and also some protection! Your girlfriend should take a test about two – three weeks since you had sex. That way there’s time for the hormones to show up. Then if its negative she should see her family doctor for a blood test and a prescription for birth control! Just remember that if you think you are grown up enough for sex then you are grown up enough for a baby too! As young as you are I really believe in waiting but if you’re ready then make sure you’re prepared! And if the test is positive then let me know and I’ll lend an ear anytime you need!

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