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    I have no idea where to turn to – so I landed here….

    Im 21 and 7 weeks pregnant… The doctor gave me time to decide and explained to me what options I have.. I kept it to myself for a week and went to a woman counsling which got me even more confused. Deep in my heart I know since day one I want to keep this baby. I told my parents and first they reacted very calm and okay and seemed to support me in my decision, however after we all talked to my doctor, they dont think abortion is that bad and want me to have one…. I saw the babys heartbeat on the scan and I would never get over the guilt of getting rid of my baby. So Im stuck on what to do… please my parents or live in peace. My parents say its bad for the baby not to have a father and I will never find a job as a young single mom… I have my high school degree and just finished a 3 year bachelor business degree.. but I have basically no work experience… The baby daddy I met a few months ago we really fell for each other, but then I was shocked he told me he still has a girlfriend but they will break up when she leaves back home to Hawaii… I know that was stupid of me but I really thought it would all work out…. I hevent told him yet but I will tomorrow….

    Please guys I need your support and opinions ASAP


    HI there 🙂 How are you going? I just want to say that I think its wonderful and such good news to hear that you want to protect the life of your child and choose life. That’s such awesome news to hear. There are pregnancy support services you can get in contact with, and they do offer certain free services for you and your child. I also want to say that NO one can pressure you to have an abortion. Know that it is wrong for anyone to pressure you to take the life of your child. You and your child are so precious. So I have attached a website, where there is a worldwide directory for pregnancy support services: . I’m also free to talk if you want to and am hear to help 🙂 I can give you my email if you need further help or advice. If you need help finding a job, I’d also love to help.

    Love and God Bless,
    In my prayers,
    Maria xoxox

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