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  • #12632

    to many this might sound very silly, but for me is my future. i am 23 and i am stil a "virgin" in technical terms, i have fooled around a lot with my boyfriend. ive missed to periods i have fainted i got my period for 2 days very heavy and lots of pain, but my tummy feels swollen still. I am very scared to take a test or tell anyone cuz they might think im crazy. is there such things as getting preggy a "virgin"? im soo confused and my tummy keeps growin…
    what should i do?


    Take a test anyway. If there was any way for him to get sperm inside u, u could b prego. But thats just My opinion. You need a doctors opinion.


    well- you cant get pregnant unless you got sperm inside of you. if he hasnt ejaculated inside of you then you arent going to be pregnant. even if was on a finger or something chances are about 99% no.


    i suggest seeing a doctor……you may have an infection if ur not pregnant…… is very rare to get preg and not have sex….if you have fooled around with ur bf in water and he "came" in the water or he "came" on his fingers and touched you directly after maybe….but that’s still a big maybe…..


    if u havent had sexual intercourse then ur not pregnant

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