he left me

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    Here I am just 24. I never really thought about having kids because of an operation that I had when I was 17 that dr’s left me to beleive I couldn’t get pregnant. Then came nausea and tenderness and the ept tests…
    Sure enough I found out that I was pregnant. When I told my boyfriend, he said that it couldn’t be his and I have yet to find him or talk to him for 3 weeks. I am alone and my parents are not talking to me due to private reasons. I am alone and lost and have not received insurance from my current jobs. I am very scared. I need help.


    if you ever wanna talk i’m here. just leave a post, i’ll answer it.


    Sorry to hear you are in this situation. Do your parents know you are pregnant? Would they be supportive if you told them? Sometimes it takes something like this to bring families back together where they should be. Have you contacted a Crisis Pregnancy Center in your area? They will help you.


    Jessica, I am sorry to hear about your boyfriend’s reaction. Facing pregnancy is tough enough especially when you feel all alone. Hang in there. Do you have any friends or relatives that could provide emotional support? Do you belong to a church? If so the pastor might be able to help direct you to helpful resources. You could contact a local crisis pregnancy center or birthright and they should be able to help. Even if your bf is not there for you you could press for him to provide child support if you decide to raise the child yourself. If you decide to give the baby up for adoption many agencies will cover expenses of pregnancy and delivery. You could see about applying for medicaid and/or WIC benefits. Also like Jonluver said there are poeple here that care. I am also here to listen and talk anytime you feel alone. Best Wishes. Kate


    I have the same story he left me because i was pregnant. and we been talking sice march of this year. and now that i am pregnant he saying that the baby is not his! also he don,t want anything to do with me at all. 🙁


    Its okay. It may seem hopeless right now, but know you’re not alone. Many girls have faced the same trials as you, and have been made a stronger woman because of it. I know you will make it. You have all the women on this website who will have your back. Just stay strong. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers over these next months to come. ~Vera

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