He has another son. He is still married.

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    I am 24 years old. I am from Brazil and I am pregnant (4 weeks now).
    My boyfriend is married and he has a little son. I was thinking about abortion, but I don’t know if it is the right choice. In fact, i think it is not. I am almost sure that he wants the abortion.
    We are together since February 2005. Almost 2 years! And she (the wife) got pregnant at this time. They have a baby with just 8 months old! They are not living like husband and wife, but she doesn’t know about me and they are still leaving together.
    I told him about the pregnancy, he told me to be calm. But I can’t!! My parents will not accept, I know. I don’t have any doubt about this. I need leave my home if I decide keep the baby. They disapproval this relationship.
    He told me that he wants stay with me. But he is not! He is still with the wife and son and I am still alone! When was just me, was very different. Now, I will have a baby!
    I was taking medicines to contraception, but I had renal failure and the hormones didn’t work.
    I have the dream about marry and have a family… Now I am felling so lonely. I don’t know what to do. We work together and I am afraid of what the people will say and thing. I will look guilty for they. And it is not my fault!!!
    Yesterday I told him about my concerns. I don’t know if he was listen… This picture it is like my baby today.


    its up to you but having an abortion is the most hardest thing to do in th whole world. I would’ve kept my baby if i didnt have to choose. I reckon that you are a strong girl with a good head on your shoulders you will make a great mum. I was 8weeks along when a aborted my baby and i still ahve nightmares and everything about it and it happened last week.

    Just think bout it very hard coz if you have abortion you might regert it like i did. just think long and hard


    i had an avbortion in may and it was the worst thing i have ever and will ever do. you dont think it is going to be that hard but after its done you cant change it. you just have to make sure that what ever you do it is your decission you will regret it so much more if you were pushed into something, you will be alot stonger if you go through with it and keep ya head high then give in to something being to hard, no matter what you chose its gonna be hard so you always got us to talk to thats what we are here for. gudluck


    Maybe the abortion is not the best choice. But I don’t know how I can take care of one kid alone. How can I now what to do???


    Are you a mom?


    Are you already a mom, what about her. Does she know about you being pregnnat? How is the guy taking all this?


    hey girl im in a somewhat similiar situation…. i was dating a guy and i got pregnant and then when i told him i found out that he had a wife.. but dear i no longer talk to him and im 5 months pregnant… i decided that i wasnt going to give my baby a fate that she/he didnt deserve(abortion) he is going to be there for you dear and for the baby so if i can do it being single then you can do it having the father there and you are a grown woman screw what your parents think or say its your life hun… so live it and dont make a decision you will regret


    Thank you for your reply. I think he wants the abortion (will be easier for him)… What can I do?


    its up to you on what you do…just go thro all the options and make the choice yourself… read what people have to say about their abortions, adoptions, and having the child themselves…. i can tell you this it may be hard if you have this child but my sister says that everyday she sees her beautiful son she thinks of what a blessing he is to her no matter what


    Are you in the same situation? Do you have any thought about lose your dreams? Are you scare to be alone? Never have a family, a husband, a good place to your son? I am scare to death! He thinks I did this (preagnancy) on purpose! How? I love the baby idea, but I am thinking I am losing all my dreams, my life, my chances (personal, profissional)… Do you had the same fears?


    No… She doesn’t know about ME, she doesn’t know nothing about our relashionship and she has no idea about the preagnancy… He is triyng the divorce, but he doesn’t want hurt her, and for this, he doesn’t say anything!


    Don’t worry ,now past is past.God will sure give you the opportunity to be a great mom! My Best wishes


    dont have the abortion just bcause he wnats u to an its best for him u should think about what u want a baby is a blessin and if he can see that wih u maybe he is not ready to be a dad an i feel sorry for his 8month old baby he deserves someone honest and caring a s dad…as for u parents well they care about u thats why they want the best for you but if they can get round the idea that u havia an baby u just have to wait and see that when ur little one is born they will came round as they wont be able to resist the baby
    good luck

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